Charlotte Oral Surgery Procedures
Surgical Instructions
We take great pride in treating you with the best dental care possible. Listed below are just a few things to keep in mind to help your oral surgery go as smoothly as possible. If you have any questions or concerns leading up to or after your oral surgery procedure please feel free to call us at 704-549-8020.
Do NOT eat or drink anything, not even water, 6 hours before your appointment.
Take all morning medications with just enough water to get them down.
Bring a Driver, someone must come with you and remain in the waiting area at all times while you are having surgery.
Wear comfortable clothes/shoes to your appointment. Shirt should have short sleeves so we can get access to both arms.
Plan, on having soft bland foods for several days after your surgery. Mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, ice cream, grits, etc.
Ibuprofen and ice packs, should also be purchased prior to surgery and available for you to use once home from surgery.
Post Operation - Oral Surgery Aftercare
Treatment Following the Extraction
The Day of Surgery
Bleeding: If given gauze, change it as directed every 45 minutes until active bleeding has subsided (usually 2-3 hours). Apply good pressure to the gauze. It is normal to experience light bleeding for up to 24 hours.
Swelling: Ice packs may be used to reduce swelling. Use on/off technique.
Driving: If sedated do not drive for 24 hours following surgery.
Do not spit/rinse your mouth.
Smoking/Alcohol: Avoid alcohol or smoking for a week following surgery.
Numbness: You will probably remain numb for several hours after surgery.
Medications: You may be given any of the following medicines. Pain medicine: should be taken as needed. You may take ibuprofen (400-600mg every 6 hours) in addition to or instead of your prescription pain medication.
Antibiotic: Should be taken as directed until gone.
The First Day after Surgery
Hygiene: Return to your normal brushing routine, being very careful around sites.
The Following Days after Surgery
Sutures/Stitches: You may have sutures placed in your mouth. They will dissolve within the next 7 days. If swelling is still present on the 4th day following surgery, begin using a warm moist compress.
Excessive Bleeding
Rinse mouth with cool water and gently wipe away blood clots with gauze.
Take tea bags moistened with water and place over bleeding area applying pressure.
Remain quiet and in a sitting position for 20-30 minutes. Repeat as needed.
Please contact the office immediately if a change in your recovery occurs: 704-549-8020.
General Information
Avoid using full-strength mouthwashes for 2 weeks.
Begin using a warm salt-water rinse every 2-3 hours for 1 week.
Pain and swelling is normal and expected. Don’t be alarmed if the third day is the worst.
Gradually return to your normal diet as tolerated.
Avoid spicy foods and drinks for 2 weeks.